Thursday, November 25, 2010


Happy Thanksgiving! We miss our family today. Although, frankly, mine is not having a big dinner etc, because they did that weeks ago in Canada on their own day. We will be having dinner tonight with a group of friends and as-yet-unknown people. Troy is working on the ham and I am setting to Cook's Country's garlic mashed potatoes later today.

Meanwhile, things I am thankful for:

The little things
-My car door has a handle again (Thank you, Troy) and that the mechanic was able to fix the fan squeak I've lived with for more than a year.
-Yarn, wool, string, tarn, Goodwill sweaters to unravel and sticks to put them all to good use.
-Thrift and second hand stores filled with surprises and "treasures."

The good things
-The fire roaring beside me.
-The improvements made to the house and the potential for so much more.
-A new job with new challenges, in a whole new field, and so close to home!

The great things
-A husband who wants only the best for me.
-Family and friends who meet me where I'm at. (They know me and love me anyway!)
-Christ who died for the cosmos (including me) and still intercedes on our/my behalf.
-A church which provides a home for me, opportunities to grow and is filled with so many passionate people.

Of course, each list is very incomplete; there are so many things! Despite having a Day of Thanksgiving, we can't possibly contain it or limit to one day. Live a thankful life. I try.

1 comment:

Mary VK said...

I'm beginning to figure out this blog business and was able to read this post and enjoy it! I'm thankful for your friendship!

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